Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ryland turns 1!

Last Saturday was Ryland 1st birthday party. It was supposed to be at a park but the weather was nasty, so 3 hours before we decided to move it to our house. Luckily only a few people were coming. It turned out great:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

what we've been up to....

time flies when your.... busy! School, work, raising 2 boys, takes lots of time.
Today was Ryland's 1st birthday party. I can't believe he's turning 1 tomorrow :( His party today was supposed to be at a park but the weather was horrible. 3 hours before the party we decided to move it to our house and went into cleaning crazy mode! Tons of pictures were taken and will be uploaded soon.
Connor: doing great, mostof the time. he's 3, what else can I say. The attitude is amazing. He is completely out of Pull-Ups, even at night. we are beyond happy about it. He got a new bike for keeping his underwear dry at night for one week. He's doing well on it. He's a little scared b/c he fell a few times but we're working on it.
Ryland: 1 tomorrow! Taking a few steps at a time, then realizes he can crawl faster. Sleeping is still an issue most nights. Breastfeeding is still goign well. I was having issues with my milk supply but got it under control. He has started to drink regular milk. Trying to get him to take breast milk from a sippy is a challenge.
Jeremy: working very hard as usual. This upcoming week is the buffalo auction so he's been super busy with that. He recently got a gun and is going to try to go hunting this season.
Me: I am making progress on my thesis. I got a laptop so I can get out of the house to work on it. Work is good, I cut my hours to 2 days a week till I get finished with school.

Well that's about it here. I'll try to get the pics uploaded soon!