Friday, June 19, 2009

My new doctor

Wednesday I went and saw me new OB and was very pleased. That morning from 4-5:30 I was throwing up from what I concluded was food poisoning, so I wasn't as happy and talkative as usual, but he was very nice. I was there for a lonnnggg time so I'm glad Jeremy was home with Connor. My due has been changed to October 28th, 2009 and I've gained 12 pounds. ooppps. I was told to slow it down some so I did buy anymore cookies or ice cream once I ran out this week. He told me I should only gain between 15-20 pounds, but I don't see that happening. I won't get huge, but a few more pound won't hurt ;-)
Tuesday, the 23rd, we find out the sex. Since no children under 10 are allowed Jeremy came up with the idea that he would watch Connor and I would go by myself. When I get there, I'm going to ask the u/s tech to not tell me the result but put the pictures in an envelope and seal it and we'll open it together when I get home. Now that's going to be really hard, b/c I'll be watching the screen and I know what a boy or girl looks like. Stay tuned for the results on Tuesday...

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