Connor, well, he's 3, so the attitude is in full force. He wants things his way or no way. And usually it goes the 'no way' route ;) We got a small pool and he's swimming very well. Our neighbors have a large pool and we've been over there a few times and Connor does great. We also got season passes to the water park and Connor can go down the slides all by himself.
Ryland is growing so fast its hard to keep up. Right as he turn 7 months his first two bottom teeth came through. About 2 weeks ago he started scooting backwards and earlier this week he officially began crawling forwards. When he wants to go somewhere, he goes! He has also mastered going from laying down to sitting, which is great except for when he's in his bed and doesn't realize he can just lay back down. Do he sits there and cries till we come in there and lay him down. He also began to pull himself up on us when were on the ground with him. No furniture yet, but soon, very soon.
Jeremy will be going to the Gulf of Mexico clean up at some point in July we think. He'll be gone for 2 weeks and we're hoping Nonnie can make a visit while he's gone. I'm still working and in school. I've fi
nished my required hours for my degree, now I have to write my thesis. I just need to buckle down and do it. I've had so many set backs, I'm very far behind, I just need to get in gear!

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