Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oh man, what a week

Last Thursday Jeremy said he was starting to feel sick. By the end of the day so was I. Achy and sore throat. Jeremy got better, I didn't. I felt bad all weekend but was OK to begin my new position at Lake Shore on Monday. Tuesday I was in G'ville running a bunch of errands and came home b/c I was feeling bad. Connor had been going to daycare and running a slight on/off fever. Tuesday Jeremy started feeling really bad and it has gotten worse from then. His fever hasn't dropped below 101 since Tuesday evening and Connor was running 102 pretty much all day today. Jeremy got in to see the doc and has strep really bad. His white blood count was 19.9, it should be less than 10.5, so that tells you how sick he is. He got a shot of Rocephin and has to go back in the morning for another shot. We got home and Connor went right to nap, after I took his temp (102 again) and gave him Motrin. I woke him up 2 hours later to go to the pediatrician where his fever was still at 101.3. He tested positive for strep very quickly and the NP put me on antibiotics also since I've been not feeling well for a week now. Jeremy is till running a fever and hopefully it will end tonight once the antibiotics kick in. I am super behind in my classes but will be able to catch up once everyone is feeling better. My first week working at Shands wasn't very impressive and hopefully I have not made them upset at me, being my first week and all. We'll see when I go back on Monday.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The right decision

Yesterday I worked with my first mom concerning breastfeeding. It went great and I left there knowing I have made a great choice for a career. I can't wait to help more women. What a wonderful feeling it is.