Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm back! hopefully ;)

Where have I been?!?!?!?! Busy is an understatement. Quick summary: Connor is now in Kindergarten at Elgin Elementary. He'll turn 6 in January. Ryland will be 3 at the end of this month and our newest edition Braelyn is already 3 months old. Tomorrow is my last day with the Oklahoma State Dept of Health. Long story made short: I was promised a raise/promotion in mid April and almost 6 months later I still don't have it so I'm quitting. My last day is tomorrow. I'm going to be a stay at home mommy to Ryland and Braelyn! I'm hoping to start a private practice lactation business soon to earn some extra money.

I'm hoping to use this blog again and be better about keeping it updated. I'll get some pictures on here soon!