Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was lots of fun for the boys.
Making cookies:

Christmas Eve:

Christmas day:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays everyone!

Just aren't tall enough yet...

Festival of Lights in Chickasa, OK

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ryland turns 1!

Last Saturday was Ryland 1st birthday party. It was supposed to be at a park but the weather was nasty, so 3 hours before we decided to move it to our house. Luckily only a few people were coming. It turned out great:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

what we've been up to....

time flies when your.... busy! School, work, raising 2 boys, takes lots of time.
Today was Ryland's 1st birthday party. I can't believe he's turning 1 tomorrow :( His party today was supposed to be at a park but the weather was horrible. 3 hours before the party we decided to move it to our house and went into cleaning crazy mode! Tons of pictures were taken and will be uploaded soon.
Connor: doing great, mostof the time. he's 3, what else can I say. The attitude is amazing. He is completely out of Pull-Ups, even at night. we are beyond happy about it. He got a new bike for keeping his underwear dry at night for one week. He's doing well on it. He's a little scared b/c he fell a few times but we're working on it.
Ryland: 1 tomorrow! Taking a few steps at a time, then realizes he can crawl faster. Sleeping is still an issue most nights. Breastfeeding is still goign well. I was having issues with my milk supply but got it under control. He has started to drink regular milk. Trying to get him to take breast milk from a sippy is a challenge.
Jeremy: working very hard as usual. This upcoming week is the buffalo auction so he's been super busy with that. He recently got a gun and is going to try to go hunting this season.
Me: I am making progress on my thesis. I got a laptop so I can get out of the house to work on it. Work is good, I cut my hours to 2 days a week till I get finished with school.

Well that's about it here. I'll try to get the pics uploaded soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Ryland getting a ride....
Chill'n in the car...

Evening Stroll

The other night after dinner we took the kids for a ride in the wagon Connor got for his 3rd birthday

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random stuff

Tumble Time=wearing the boys OUT!

Birthday Party

World Breastfeeding Week Celebration at work

Before the recent haircut:
Bath time fun:
Help I'm stuck:

Brotherly love:

Ryland 9 & 10 months

Yes I know I've been bad about updating, but man I'm busy! Here's Ryland's 9 & 10 month shots:

If you look closely you can see his top two teeth trying to pop through. This has been our battle lately

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A scary experience

Thursday night I did not sleep well. On top of Jeremy being gone, Ryland was up a lot and Connor woke up extra early. After I took the boys to daycare I came back home and went back to bed. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I woke up at 10am freaking out that the boys were still asleep and I hadn't heard them up yet. I ran to Connor's room and he wasn't there. I tore his sheet off looking for him. I ran to Ryland's room and he wasn't there either. My heart was racing. I started screaming for Connor over and over. I looked at both the back door and garage door to make sure it was locked and no one had come in to get them. I ran back to my room and look for them, then back to the living room. The whole time I was screaming for Connor in a panic. I guess I didn't scream for Ryland b/c I knew he couldn't answer. I stood in the living room for a minute trying to figure everything out then realized what day it was and that I had taken them to daycare. I broke down crying. I guess I was asleep doing all this, but I remember it all. It was the most horrible feeling that I hope to never actually experience.

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th and Ryland's new funny face

We went over to one of Jeremy's co-workers house for a cook-out and fireworks. Last year Connor enjoyed the sparklers, this year he wanted nothing to do with them. He'd rather sit back and watch. He was a good sport even though we didn't get home until 11:45pm. Today he was a grump! :)

This is Ryland's latest face. He breathes funny also while doing this, makes for some good laughs.