Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time, it's a flying

I can't believe how fast time is going by. Its almost September. Things are good here. Jeremy is gone all this week doing more bear work in South Florida. Tropical Storm Fay is giving him a good soaking today and we'll get it up here starting tonight and through the weekend.
On Thursday my classes start at Lake City Community College that I teach. The college is trying to get together an additional class for me but I'm not sure if that will happen.
On an up note I officially finished with my first semester of grad school. Man what a good feeling. Between now and then I'm just doing stuff around the house and waiting for our trip to Laguna Beach, CA Sept 15th.

OK off to do more cleaning. TTFN

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All better

Well C-man is all better. Connor and I did make it to Tally, but of course not without more throwing up. We were at Jim & Milt's for breakfast and I guess he wasn't ready for whole milk just yet and he let loose as we were eating. Then on Monday I deicided to come home early and drive while he was sleeping that night. As I'm in the neighborhood by the interstate he starts the throw up all over in the car, so back to my mom's I went, gave him a bath, switched car seats with mom (thank goodness she has one) then drove home. He finally went back to daycare today and was fine. Although I'm not giving him milk just yet ;)

While in Tallahassee I got to see friends and family, which is always nice. My best friend Amy's little one is 11 months old and like Connor loves to give kisses. They were basically making out in the pool. I couldn't get my camera to take pics fast enough but here are some pre and post kissing:

Friday, August 1, 2008

How many time can a mom get puked on?

Answer: I'll let you know :)

Connor has a stomach bug that seems to be going around. I think it started last Friday with a fever, but he was OK over the weekend. Last Sunday we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and we threw up there, but Jeremy and I thought it was because he was feeding himself with a fork and he ate too much. Monday he was kinda cranky. Tuesday night he didn't eat hardly anything for dinner. Wednesday he ate nothing but nursed before bed as usual. About an hour later I heard him in his room awake and sure enough there was puke everywhere. Then about two hours after that, again he threw up. No more that night, but yesterday he woke up still cranky and pulling at his ear. So we went to the pediatrician and as we are waiting he throws up in the waiting room, mostly on him, some on me. The nurse practitioner says it should last 5-7 days. (not sure when I should start counting?) Later that day he was acting OK, still not eating much but some toast, banana and apple sauce I was holding him and he threw up all over me again. Luckily Jeremy was home early and helped get the situation cleaned up. Then this morning at 4:30 once again we were changing sheets and blankets. He woke up around 7:45 and as I was walking into the kitchen with him, yep you guessed it, puked all over me again. Gotta love the smell of breast milk coming back up 3 hours later :)
He's down for a nap now. If today is like yesterday, he'll sleep almost 4 hours, I know he needs it. I'm waiting to see if he gets better b/c we are supposed to go to Tally this weekend to visit. I have a felling we won't be making it though :(