California was a lot of fun. Jeremy and I had a great time together and Alyssa's wedding was beautiful. Here's a time line of our trip:
Monday, September 15th we got there, hung out for a bit at Trevor and Alyssa's house, Checked in to our room at The Tides Inn then went to Alyssa's parents condo to cook out dinner. After realizing the grill wasn't working, we moved everything indoors. Before dinner we went to a bar up the street that was overlooking the ocean.
Tuesday, September 16th was Jeremy and I day to site see. We went to a Marine Animal rescue center and walked around Laguna Beach in all the stores. We went to a winery but was not impressed at all. We also got some really pretty pictures of the beach. That night we went out on a boat the some of Trevor's friends owned and had a lot of fun. After the boat ride we went to a bar. Alyssa and I played Rock Band and I didn't do so well. (maybe the bottle of wine I drank on the boat had something to do with it?) Needless to say we all had to take a taxi home :)
Wednesday, September 17th was the girls day to go to the Ellen Show, and Jeremy and Trevor had a boys day. I don't have any pictures from the Ellen Show because no cameras are allowed, but we had so much fun. Alyssa and I got to sit on the front row and Ellen danced right by me. We were on TV for just a second. On the show that day was Benjamin Bratt, some kid from You Tube, and singing was Akon, Ashanti, and Nelly. It was fun. As Ellen was interviewing the trio, Nelly announced that he had brought this Apple Bottoms Bag for everyone! We also got his latest CD. Jeremy and Trevor had a fun time racing go carts and bar hoping. They both drank a little too much and it was fun to watch them the rest of the night:
Thursday, September 18th was all about getting our nails done and the rehearsal and dinner at The White House. Once again, it was a blast to hang out with my best friend:
Friday, September 19th: Wedding Day!! Everyone met at Alyssa and Trevor house then went their separate ways. Girls to get ready and boys to get ready. Jeremy entertained himself by finding some really good hiking trails. We only have one camera, so sadly he wasn't able to get any pictures of the beautiful sites he saw. All the girls (Myself, Alyssa, Corrine, Lauren, Karen and Jeanine) went to get our hair done, then back to the condo for make-up, then pictures before the wedding at Laguna Village. We (the wedding party) all wore matching dresses, flip flops and toe rings. We looked very cute. After a little stress, the wedding was a beautiful event and Alyssa and Trevor will live happily ever after.
Saturday, Alyssa and Trevor wanted to spend time with us, because who knows when we will get to see them again :( We laid out at the pool at Surf and Sand where they spent their wedding night. That night we all went out to dinner at Big Belly Deli and had pizza, salad and beer, before they left for the honeymoon to Sandals Jamaica
Sunday was the travel day back home. It was long day and we arrived back home at 2:00am Monday morning. Right away Jeremy and I went to Connor's room and picked him up. We missed him terribly, but he had a blast with Nonnie. These are pictures from the plane, leaving CA.
California was fun and beautiful, but I have to say that I like Florida just fine.
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